Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Summer, Part 2

And now for the thing that occupied 100% of my brain for about two months: the midpoint review!

Started off by working out Thomas and Fel's designs 100%.

The designs were well-received, but due to animation complications, I'm going to have to do one more redesign to simplify everything.

Next, the beat boards.

lastly, some of the fully rendered environments

The Summer

Well everyone, it has been an interesting summer. I was rather prolific, and yet somehow didn't actually post a lot of the work I'd created. Not any time, really. But the good news is, I passed a rather difficult class, and I passed my midpoint! Woohoo!

Naturally, this means I've got a lot to show you. So fasten your seatbelts, and prepare for the art dump.

First off, I finished the 1000 Head Challenge (and am the first lady to do so, apparently). It was arduous, but absolutely worth it. Since posting one thousand drawings of faces would be a bit tiresome (both for me and for anyone reading this), I've assembled a collage of every 50th head.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Next, some of the assignments from Drawing From Imagination. I learned a ton of stuff in this class, about drawing backgrounds in perspective, reflection, and light and shadow.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Finally, there's a TON of stuff for my Midpoint Presentation, which I'm including in a separate post.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Hour Draws Nigh

So my midpoint review is just around the corner. I got the email today telling that I basically have to have everything ready by the 24th - as in, next Friday, it's go time.


Not to worry too much, though. It's really a matter of finishing all the work, which is moderately doable. I spent the majority of the semester working on the development, so all I really have to do is some completed work, turn arounds, mood boards, and environments. Ive got to refine the Animatic/Storyboards, too, but all I anticipate doing there is adding some extra scenes, and getting better voices. 


The expressions!:

Drawing faces, of course, has brought me closer to my goal of 1000 heads. I'm now at 880, which means only 120 left to go. Once I get my midpoint stuff finished, shouldn't be too much to worry about.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Doctor is In...

... Tron: Legacy, apparently.

Argh, this show! I've been watching it while working on stuff, and once I got to the David Tennant era, I was kind of hopelessly hooked. Doctor Who ended up being sort of the perfect storm of everything I like in a series - witty writing, good characters, a fascinating premise, aliens, time travel, and of course, David Tennant.

School goes as it goes. Wrapping up a warped perspective layout, and I finally pinned my thesis project down! All I have to do now is finish up the designs and storyboards before the end of May. Shouldn't be too difficult...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

With thanks to /co/, 800 heads

Normally, I avoid 4chan like the plague it is. Widely considered to be the diseased anus of the internet, 4chan is an anonymous image posting forum.Its most infamous board, /b/ is responsible for a LOT of things that are considered bad about the internet, including rampant porn and harassment of young children "for the lulz." /b/ (and most of the rest of 4chan) is not a nice place.

There IS one tiny corner of 4chan, though, called /co/ - the comics and cartoons board. /co/ is widely considered to be the "nice" board - illegal things (like links to downloads and porn) get your IP banned, and risque images are hidden behind a spoiler tag, making them easily avoidable. Being a jerkwad usually results in being shunned by other posters. So it's a fairly friendly place, and I like to go there occasionally to catch up on news about comics and cartoons.

So even though I hadn't been there for several months, in my pursuit to finish my 1000 heads project, and having run fresh out of ideas, I remembered that every so often, an artist would go "hey guys, I'm taking requests." I started one myself, and the thread EXPLODED with requests and praise. It hit its maximum image limit while I was asleep, and another one was started. So while there's no way I'm drawing 200 heads right now (I DO have other things I gotta do), I feel rather accomplished.

80 heads in the last 18 hours ain't nothing to sneeze at, and some of the heads requested were so darn cartoony it was a challenge to kinda... unstylize them and put them in my own style. :D


Thursday, March 10, 2011

A little black magic

So the semester is well underway. I've been super-busy, what with class and work (and what little time I have had between homework and shifts, I've been spending on in-depth analysis of why Megamind is such a good movie).

But class usually does mean artwork. Layout Design is one of those classes that is rather different from what I expected, but I'm finally getting into it and am starting to have fun.

So here's a little voodoo parlor, built out of a cable car and tucked into an alleyway.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I'm still disappointed that the Packers won the Superbowl. Assuming the Bears had won the NFC championship, and assuming the Steelers had played a similar game, this means that the Bears would be the Superbowl champs. Who me? Still bitter that the Bears lost Superbowl XLI? Nooo, that's silly.

What's this post about again? Oh, right. Bears. Have some bears.

School is now merrily underway. I'm gearing up to take my midpoint some time this year, which is a bit of a frightening prospect. Still, I'm hoping that my development this semester will ensure that I do successfully.

In addition to that, semesters mean workshops, and workshops mean extra time with the talented AAU models. Here is some more from tonight's workshop:

And... yeesh, it's 1:30. New semester goal: not be such a night owl. :[

Monday, January 31, 2011


So today was a small exercise in "I am starting to hate Tetsuya Nomura." This is a problem when the man has designed nearly all of my favorite games, but that aside, the man can't really draw more than three faces. So in my attempts to draw all the Final Fantasy protagonists, it was more of a "what do I know about these characters and how can I redesign them so they don't look as androgynous?"

Granted, not all of it is Tetsuya Nomura's fault - Yoshitaka Amano can't really draw guys without making them totally femmy either. Oh well.

330 to go! That is... well it's not 1000 by today, as was my original goal, but I kind of got busy with other stuff. I *will*  complete this round of heads soon, though. You can count on it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lets get it started...

Hi guys! I figured it was probably time to have a home for my art that wasn't DeviantArt or Facebook. So lets kick things off with some colored art!


Still slogging through my 1000 heads... I'm at 600 now! Here are some of my favorites from yesterday's intense drawing session.