Normally, I avoid 4chan like the plague it is. Widely considered to be the diseased anus of the internet, 4chan is an anonymous image posting forum.Its most infamous board, /b/ is responsible for a LOT of things that are considered bad about the internet, including rampant porn and harassment of young children "for the lulz." /b/ (and most of the rest of 4chan) is not a nice place.
There IS one tiny corner of 4chan, though, called /co/ - the comics and cartoons board. /co/ is widely considered to be the "nice" board - illegal things (like links to downloads and porn) get your IP banned, and risque images are hidden behind a spoiler tag, making them easily avoidable. Being a jerkwad usually results in being shunned by other posters. So it's a fairly friendly place, and I like to go there occasionally to catch up on news about comics and cartoons.
So even though I hadn't been there for several months, in my pursuit to finish my 1000 heads project, and having run fresh out of ideas, I remembered that every so often, an artist would go "hey guys, I'm taking requests." I started one myself, and the thread EXPLODED with requests and praise. It hit its maximum image limit while I was asleep, and another one was started. So while there's no way I'm drawing 200 heads right now (I DO have other things I gotta do), I feel rather accomplished.
80 heads in the last 18 hours ain't nothing to sneeze at, and some of the heads requested were so darn cartoony it was a challenge to kinda... unstylize them and put them in my own style. :D