Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Summer, Part 2

And now for the thing that occupied 100% of my brain for about two months: the midpoint review!

Started off by working out Thomas and Fel's designs 100%.

The designs were well-received, but due to animation complications, I'm going to have to do one more redesign to simplify everything.

Next, the beat boards.

lastly, some of the fully rendered environments

The Summer

Well everyone, it has been an interesting summer. I was rather prolific, and yet somehow didn't actually post a lot of the work I'd created. Not any time, really. But the good news is, I passed a rather difficult class, and I passed my midpoint! Woohoo!

Naturally, this means I've got a lot to show you. So fasten your seatbelts, and prepare for the art dump.

First off, I finished the 1000 Head Challenge (and am the first lady to do so, apparently). It was arduous, but absolutely worth it. Since posting one thousand drawings of faces would be a bit tiresome (both for me and for anyone reading this), I've assembled a collage of every 50th head.

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Next, some of the assignments from Drawing From Imagination. I learned a ton of stuff in this class, about drawing backgrounds in perspective, reflection, and light and shadow.

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Finally, there's a TON of stuff for my Midpoint Presentation, which I'm including in a separate post.