Well everyone, it has been an interesting summer. I was rather prolific, and yet somehow didn't actually post a lot of the work I'd created. Not any time, really. But the good news is, I passed a rather difficult class, and I passed my midpoint! Woohoo!
Naturally, this means I've got a lot to show you. So fasten your seatbelts, and prepare for the art dump.
First off, I finished the 1000 Head Challenge (and am the first lady to do so, apparently). It was arduous, but absolutely worth it. Since posting one thousand drawings of faces would be a bit tiresome (both for me and for anyone reading this), I've assembled a collage of every 50th head.
Next, some of the assignments from Drawing From Imagination. I learned a ton of stuff in this class, about drawing backgrounds in perspective, reflection, and light and shadow.
Finally, there's a TON of stuff for my Midpoint Presentation, which I'm including in a separate post.